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Webplayer FAQ

How long do my devices stay active?

Devices will stay active for 45 minutes after the last interaction with the Webplayer. This includes any interaction with the Webplayer UI, as well as any interaction with the device itself (such as running commands in the Console tab). After 8 hours of inactivity, the device will be automatically deleted.

This behavior is by design to ensure that devices are not left running indefinitely, which would result in both a reduction of available resources and a large invoice for you. If you would like a longer timeout, please contact us and we can explore a solution.

Can I just show only the device?

Not right now, however we're looking into this as a feature for the future. With the current implementation, a handful of features are required e.g. system, strace, powerManagement, etc. If you're interested in this feature, please contact us and we can explore a solution.

Can I style the Webplayer?

Not right now, however we're looking into this as a feature for the future. If you're interested in this feature, please contact us and we can explore a solution.

Can I get analytics on my Webplayer usage?

While we're tracking aggregate behavior analytics internally for billing purposes, this data is not currently available to customers. If you're interested in this feature, please contact us and we can explore a solution.

What's next for the Webplayer?

Lots of things! We have a lot of ideas for improving the Webplayer experience (particularly the implementation effort) and we're excited to continue to build it. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please contact us and let us know!