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Advanced Network Monitor


Using Network Monitor, it is possible to specify a process to monitor. This is useful for monitoring the network activity of a specific process for runtime device monitoring.

Note: This feature is available to users with Business Enterprise and higher licenses.

Monitoring network activity for a process

Using the Corellium UI

To start monitoring network activity for a particular process, you'll need to start your device with "process monitoring enabled". You can find this in the power dropdown while the device is off.

Netdump 1

From here, go to Network Monitor in the Corellium UI and switch to "All Network Traffic" mode.

Netdump 2

You now have the ability to approach this from two different angles:

  1. Server-side filtering: you can start monitoring a specific process and then filter down to the network traffic you're interested in.
  2. Client-side filtering: you can start monitoring all network traffic and then filter down to the process you're interested in.

Server-side filtering

To start monitoring a specific process, click "Configure".

Netdump 3

From here, you can select the IP, Process, Port and/or PID you're interested in.

Netdump 4

When you're ready, Press "Start Monitoring" to start monitoring.

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Client-side filtering

Once you have started monitoring some network traffic, you can filter down to the process you're interested in by clicking "Filter results" button.

Netdump 6

Here you can select the Protocol, Source, Source Port, Destination, Destination Port, Process and/or PID you're interested in.

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Filters apply automatically, so you just need to hit "Close" to see the results.

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Note: client-side filters only exist in the browser and do not apply to downloaded PCAP files.

Downloading results

To download the results, click "Download". This will generate a PCAP (specifically, pcap-ng) file that you can open in Wireshark or other tools.

Netdump 9

Using the REST API

Use the following endpoints from our REST API:

Using the JavaScript API (legacy)

Use the following endpoints from our legacy JavaScript API:

Using the new JavaScript API

Use the following endpoints from our new JavaScript API:

Here is a simple example to start and stop Netdump:

var { ApiClient, CorelliumApi } = require('@corellium/client-api');

var defaultClient = new ApiClient('');
// Configure Bearer (ApiToken or JWT) access token for authorization: BearerAuth
var BearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['BearerAuth'];
BearerAuth.accessToken = '[access_token]';
// BearerAuth.accessToken = process.env.CORELLIUM_API_ACCESS_TOKEN;

var api = new CorelliumApi(defaultClient);
var instanceId = '[instance_id]';

api.v1StartNetdump(instanceId).then(() => {
console.log('Started Netdump');
setTimeout(() => {
api.v1StopNetdump(instance).then(() => {
console.log('Stopped Netdump')
}).catch(error => console.error(error))
}, 10000)
}).catch(error => console.error(error))

Using the Python API

Use the following endpoints from our Python API:

Here is a simple example to start and stop Netdump:

import asyncio
import time
import corellium_api
from import ApiException

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure Bearer authorization (ApiToken or JWT): BearerAuth
configuration = corellium_api.Configuration(
host = ""
ssl_ca_cert = "./ca_cert.cer"
configuration.access_token = '[access_token]'

async def main():
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
async with corellium_api.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = corellium_api.CorelliumApi(api_client)
instance_id = '[instance_id]'

await api_instance.v1_start_netdump(instance_id)
await api_instance.v1_stop_netdump(instance_id)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CorelliumApi->v1_start_netdump: %s\n" % e)

Using the CLI

Use the following commands from our CLI:

  • Start monitoring: corellium instance netmon enable
  • Stop monitoring: corellium instance netmon disable
  • Download PCAP file: corellium instance netmon download
  • Stream monitoring events: corellium instance netmon stream


  • Due to the nature of streaming and asynchronous processing, there is a known margin of difference between the PCAP file and the UI of < 0.5%. This is known and expected.