Manipulate the Built-In Frida Server Version on iOS and Android Devices
This guide covers the exact steps to take to play around with the exact frida-server
version you desire. Something to keep in mind; while this guide will allow you to update or downgrade to any frida-server
version, not all versions are going to be compatible.
Replacing the Built-in Frida Server on Android
How to go about changing the frida-server
version on Android devices.
Download the latest
binary for the arm64 architecture. This can be built from source or grabbed from the release tags on Frida's GitHub. Specifically, you're looking forfrida-server-{RELEASE-NUMBER}-android-arm64.xz
Decompress the file.
xz -d frida-server-x.y.z-android-arm64.xz
Connect to the device, you can grab the command from the UI.
adb connect {Services IP}:5001
Become super user.
adb root
Push the
file to the virtual device.adb push frida-server-x.y.z-android-arm64 /data/local/tmp
Make the file executable.
adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/frida-server-x.y.z-android-arm64
Tells the frida-server to listen on a specific interface, in this case we need to use the Host IP of the device.
adb shell /data/local/tmp/frida-server-x.y.z-android-arm64 -l {Wifi IP} &
Now that you have the frida-server listening on the Host IP interface, you can now attach to an application by specifying the Host IP with the -H argument in your terminal.
Assuming frida-server
has been run properly, frida on your host machine should automatically see this as a connected USB device. You can test this by running the normal frida-ps -U
If you have more than one device connected to the host machine with adb
enabled, then scripts and different commands may have issues identifying which device to talk to. When connecting to a device over TCP/IP, the "serial number" becomes the IP address and port. This means you can identify the devices using the Services IP
for both adb
and frida
commands like below:
adb -s shell /data/local/tmp/frida-server -l {Host IP}
Example script for Android
For usage in a Frida script, you'll need to utilize the Device Manager and assert which device you want to connect to.
Below is an example python script that would load a script against a specific package name.
import frida
import sys
device_ip = '10.x.x.x:5001'
script_name = 'emulator_cloak.js'
fd = open(script_name, 'r')
package_name = 'diff.strazzere.anti'
def on_message(message, data):
if message['type'] == 'send':
print('[*] {0}'.format(message['payload']))
dm = frida.get_device_manager()
device = dm.get_device(device_ip)
pid = device.spawn([package_name])
session = device.attach(pid)
script = session.create_script(
script.on('message', on_message)
Replacing the Built-In Frida Server on iOS
This can be achieved with the following script placed in the references section of this article. Complete the following steps to replace the frida-server
binary for iOS.
Important note: Updating frida-server
to version 16.0.8 will not work, this is a known issue.
Create a bash file that will contain the script.
Edit the bash file and paste in the script below(recommended to first ssh into the device before attempting to edit the file).
Make the script executable for your user.
chmod u+x
Run the the script from the root directory of your iOS device and pass in the version of
you would like to ~
./frida_update 16.0.5 -
You can verify the
was updated.frida-server --version
You can now begin interacting with device's frida-server.
Script to replace the version of frida-server
on your iOS device.
# contains plist
cd /Library/LaunchDaemons/
# move plist to root
mv re.frida.server.plist ~
cd ~
# unload service
launchctl unload re.frida.server.plist
# stash plist
mv re.frida.server.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons
mv /Library/LaunchDaemons/re.frida.server.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/re.frida.server.backup
# fetch FRIDA
wget -O /tmp/frida_${FRIDA_VER}_iphoneos-arm.deb${FRIDA_VER}/frida_${FRIDA_VER}_iphoneos-arm.deb
# update server, agent and plist
dpkg -i /tmp/frida_${FRIDA_VER}_iphoneos-arm.deb
# restore plist
mv /Library/LaunchDaemons/re.frida.server.backup /Library/LaunchDaemons/re.frida.server.plist
# launch service using new plist
launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/re.frida.server.plist
# delete package
rm /tmp/frida_${FRIDA_VER}_iphoneos-arm.deb