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Fridump with Corellium

Fridump allows you to dump a process's memory by utilizing the Frida framework.


  • Make sure you have Frida installed on your local computer, and that it matches the Frida version on the virtual device.
  • Ensure you are connected to the VPN with the proper configuration profile.
  • Have Python installed and added the alias to your .zshrc configuration file.
  • USBFlux downloaded and connected to the device you wish to dump the memory from.
  1. Clone the Fridump repository.
git clone
  1. Change directories into the repository.
cd fridump
  1. Display the Fridump help menu.
python -h
  1. You can view all running process with Frida in order to find the active process to initiate the memory dump from.
Frida-ps -U
  1. Start the memory dump by specifying a USB connection to the device and selecting a running process.
python -U Safari
  1. All dumped memory will appear in the dump folder.
