You can find our Battery feature by navigating to Sensors > Battery. Once your device is powered on, this is a strategic way to see how your mobile applications will perform on a device running on a low battery. Please take a look at the screenshot below for reference.
Next, we will take a deeper dive into this part of the Software.
Charge Level
You can use our special Charge Level option as a standardized indicator of electrical force, or voltage, at which the device is set.
Note: Your device may eventually power OFF if you have the charge level set to a low level.
You can adjust the state of your battery's health.
- Good: The battery performance is normal.
- Failure: The battery can power ON the device, but the performance is very poor.
- Dead: The device is not receiving any electrical energy and is powered OFF.
- Overheat: The battery is working extra hard and is likely to rise in temperature.
- Overvolt: The battery has been overcharged which can obstruct the performance of the device.
You can set whether the device is connected to a charger or not.
- AC Charger: The device is connected to a power adapter.
- None: The device is not connected to a power adapter.
You can set your devices' charging status.
- Charging: The device is receiving and storing electrical energy.
- Discharging: The battery is losing voltage or energy.
- Not Charging: The device is not receiving and is storing electrical energy.