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If you're not able to connect to our VPN service, it is still possible to connect to your virtual device using an SSH tunnel through the Corellium proxy. This requires you to setup SSH Keys for authentication.

To create a tunnel, you will want to use the following command:

ssh -M -Ssock -N -f -L [local-port]:[remote-host]:[remote-port]

For example, this command will create a tunnel between your local machine and the remote host for Frida:

ssh -M -Ssock -N -f -L 22222:

The arguments for the command are as follows:

  • -M - master mode
  • -Ssock - socket file
  • -N - do not execute a remote command
  • -f - run in the background
  • -L - local port forwarding

You can also use -R for remote port forwarding. This is useful if you want to expose a service running on your local machine to the remote host, like Burp or an internal webserver.

iOS devices have SSH enabled by default, so you can use -J to jump through the device to reach another host.